Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket bad spelling/grammar could be considered as part of lifelong learning
so please let me know when this has occurred, but be gentle I'm only learning

Who would of thought it????

The big 50, I've created 50+ posts, discovered amazing things and learned about many things, you could say I have LEARNT, INQUIRED, SEEKED, THRIVED, now for the next 50.

31 January 2008

Sometime I wonder why I say yes instead of no.

give me a pen & paper or give me a keyboard & computer
and I can do anything
In my mind everything is perfect
Put me infront of a crowd and see what happens

Today was an interesting day.

I attended the Gulliver Forum at the Rendezvous Hotel in Melbourne.

And why was I there?

I agreed to be part of a panel speaking about our experiences with Learning 2.0.

For over a week I worked on my speech, checked that my blog was working properly, all links were working. There were no nerves appearing and I felt quite confident.

This would be the first time I have ever spoken in front of crowd.

With speech in hand, blog up on the screen I started talking and pointing out a few things I had accomplished and of cause I made a spelling mistake (but that’s typical of me) and while I was talking I was thinking what happened to the perfect speech I had written, I continued on anyway.
After hearing the other presentations I thought, I have to learn to say NO.

Well I guess I can put it all down to another learning experience.

Isn’t that what Learning 2.0 was all about???????

20 January 2008

Thing 39: Animoto

Turning your pictures into a 30 second video or if you want to make a longer one it will cost you. I came across this application from reading one of my many RSS feeds and like the idea and created a video clip (now showing in the sidebar) using pictures I had taken when our Library was being renovated late last year. I'm quite pleased with the outcome.

Thing 38: Comic Relief

Online comic strip makers would be a great tool for someone with a good sense of humour unfortunately I'm not one of them, so I scouted around ToonDoo and found a strip that I thought was very appropriate to add to my blog.

19 January 2008

Thing 37: Music to our ears

While I like listening to music, I’m not really into any particular person or group. I’m not one to listen to the radio very often so for this exercise I decided to create an Album Quilt of a artist who I always enjoy listening too, John Farnham, although he has not released any new albums lately his old songs are always a good listen.