There is certainly a lot to choose from when looking through the eBooks websites, for someone who likes listening to them through their mp3 players or reading the book on the computers.
For me I like to listen to audio books while driving to and from work.
Netlibrary and/or Overdrive is a good idea for Libraries to use.
Patrons can download items and then transfer to MP3 players, laptops, Pocket OS and Palm OS devices, or burned to a CD (depending on title) this offers more mobility for the patrons and for the library no more problems with lost or scratched CDs that occur with the CD audio books currently in use.
One slight problem may be that some patrons like myself for instance who does not have an MP3 player (I don’t like having the earphones in my ears) or do not have a burner on the computer.
The library would have to consider the blind patrons who are heavy users of audio books, so perhaps the library would need to have access to both types of eBooks/audio books.
Overall, the future and technology are beckoning whether we like it or not.
An observation, a while ago I caught the train into the city first time in a long time and looking around noticed nearly everyone had earphones in the ears what ever happened to social interaction.
For me I like to listen to audio books while driving to and from work.
Netlibrary and/or Overdrive is a good idea for Libraries to use.
Patrons can download items and then transfer to MP3 players, laptops, Pocket OS and Palm OS devices, or burned to a CD (depending on title) this offers more mobility for the patrons and for the library no more problems with lost or scratched CDs that occur with the CD audio books currently in use.
One slight problem may be that some patrons like myself for instance who does not have an MP3 player (I don’t like having the earphones in my ears) or do not have a burner on the computer.
The library would have to consider the blind patrons who are heavy users of audio books, so perhaps the library would need to have access to both types of eBooks/audio books.
Overall, the future and technology are beckoning whether we like it or not.
An observation, a while ago I caught the train into the city first time in a long time and looking around noticed nearly everyone had earphones in the ears what ever happened to social interaction.
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