Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket bad spelling/grammar could be considered as part of lifelong learning
so please let me know when this has occurred, but be gentle I'm only learning

Who would of thought it????

The big 50, I've created 50+ posts, discovered amazing things and learned about many things, you could say I have LEARNT, INQUIRED, SEEKED, THRIVED, now for the next 50.

30 December 2007

Thing 36: Dressing up your photos

Picnik, Fauxto, Pixenate, Snapfish
Like to play around with your photos then try the application listed above.

I tried Picnik and messed with a picture of my brother which I took with my phone on Christmas day.
As everyone knows it's summer time in oz. so I thought I place some snow around him, made it look a bit dreamy and tried to put a disguise on him so no one would recognize him, I doubt any of his friends would be reading this blog. Any way i had fun and I'm sure anyone who tries these site will also.

Thing 35: Mini or Micro Blogging

These three social networks are great for anyone wanting to send short but informative messages to friends or a group of friends. I have joined Twitter and was invited to Pownce, I used them for awhile but founf it was not for me. I'm sure many people will found these applications very useful.

16 December 2007

Thing 34: Using the Web for Better Health

Thing 34, now this is an unusual discovery I was surprised to find this subject matter in the Learning 2.1.

Yes these sites may be beneficial to some, I checked them out and thought they had some worth but for the purposes of learning in relation to Learning 2.1 which is the discoveries of applications that would in some way be incorporated or enhance the work environment was a bit off track.

Granted the ‘play’ sites are included to give us some levity, perhaps the intention here is the same in that learning does not only have to be work related.

Thing 33: Express Yourself Through Online Art

Express your self the exercise says, and I did and tried to be artistic. I used Mr Picassohead

as you can see but I assure you, it is not a self-portrait.

I had fun playing with this application also with Falling Sand Games and the Snowflake maker. In a previous post (time out for play + a lesson) using String spin I created what I believe is a magnificent piece of artwork and of cause I would say that wouldn’t I.

I always like these play websites, you can distract your self for a while when you are finding it hard to think of something to write that is intelligent and witty. I will confess I take to distraction a lot.

With all these discoveries, we make through Web 2.0 and 2.1 it’s good for the soul and mind to have a little fun occasionally.

15 December 2007

Thing 32: Online File Storage

I understand the concept of these application but would not be using them so I did not sign on but wanted to add a post anyway.
Two online storage websites.
These can be very useful for organisation like a Library for storing files and pictures off site, access can be allowed or not allowed. Communicating with others and project with large files can be uploaded to be shared for comment or read only.
They can also be used for personal use.
There are so many storage site out there and it is a matter of choice as to what one is the best for your needs.
It is always a good idea to read through the information provided before choosing because you may choose one and find out later that you will need to pay to use some elements of the application.

Thing 31: Organizing your life

If you love organizing, making list, keeping track of friends, family, and not have to think to hard then these applications are for you.

Calenders, reminders, lists, notes, tasks, plans, share not share, event organizing.

Are you an on-the-go sort of person using the cell phone, blackberry, email, Internet sometimes all at once, then you will be in heaven, you life will be so organised you may even have a moment to sit back and relax.

For myself who is a nine to five working girl and a homebody will not be using these applications but can see that they would be invaluable to a very busy person.

08 December 2007

Thing 30: LolCat Builder - MY VERSION

LoLCat builder intrigued me, so went and had a look. I’m not much of a cat lover so none of the pictures appealed to me and decided to make one of my own using Jasper (the cat who was rescued from our book chute and by the way is now one year old) and my favourite movie star George. I combined the two, uploaded the picture and added the text. Who could resist these two cute faces?

Thing 29: Scrapblog - my favourite author

Scrapblog is an easy and fun application it can also be used for serious work as well such as promoting happenings in the library. The only drawback I found is that you don’t have control on the transition time for the slides, but overall I liked the application. Below is my creation.