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Who would of thought it????

The big 50, I've created 50+ posts, discovered amazing things and learned about many things, you could say I have LEARNT, INQUIRED, SEEKED, THRIVED, now for the next 50.

15 December 2007

Thing 31: Organizing your life

If you love organizing, making list, keeping track of friends, family, and not have to think to hard then these applications are for you.

Calenders, reminders, lists, notes, tasks, plans, share not share, event organizing.

Are you an on-the-go sort of person using the cell phone, blackberry, email, Internet sometimes all at once, then you will be in heaven, you life will be so organised you may even have a moment to sit back and relax.

For myself who is a nine to five working girl and a homebody will not be using these applications but can see that they would be invaluable to a very busy person.

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