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Who would of thought it????

The big 50, I've created 50+ posts, discovered amazing things and learned about many things, you could say I have LEARNT, INQUIRED, SEEKED, THRIVED, now for the next 50.

16 September 2007

Week 3 - Technology

Technology is all around us, in our home, at work, in school, all of us in some way use technology.

Seeking information has gone beyond walking into a library and looking for and through a book.
Libraries and technology have come together to give their patrons the best possible service. Searching for a book has gone from using the card system to computer assisted searching, either in the library or from home and access to databases through the library has widen information source for library patrons also communicating information to patrons via emails and text messages.

Some of the ways the library has incorporated technology

Computers for patrons to access the internet

Use of emails and text messages to inform patrons their request are available

Access to databases on all sort of information

Computer for children with inter active software

Use of a plasma screen show casing new arrival to the collection, events happening within the library and local community

A computer with adaptive technology for patrons with disabilities

With these introduction staff had to learn (yes that word again) how to use the technology, some adapted quickly others took longer but with training everyone feels confident in using the new technology.

As there are changes in technology we also need to keep up to date and look for ways are can enhance our service.

My favourite technology is the computer and the internet, my computer and the internet enabled me to take part in flexible learning working full time makes it hard to take on study. I also use my computer to create PowerPoint shows that are used on the plasma screen at work.

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