RSS feeds, do we really need them, maybe not, but could they be an advantage to us, yes they can be. Do you, like me, surf the net find interesting web sites and forget to write the address for future reference. RSS feeds is way to overcome this.
Most web sites have a RSS feed and subscribing to the feeds from your favourite site gives you continues information without you going back the web site.
Libraries could send out feeds about new addition to the collection, events that will be happening and I’m sure there are many more ways that RSS feeds would useful for Libraries.
For my own personal use I use Google reader and have four folders with feeds coming in, from these feeds I gain a lot of knowledge on a lot of different subjects.
For the benefit of this exercise I have subscribed to Bloglines and added 10 feeds. It was not difficult to set up a Blogline account or to add the feeds; the hardest part was working out how get a URL address for my public bloglines account but persistent works and here are my RSS feeds through Bloglines here click on the RSS feed icon

Most web sites have a RSS feed and subscribing to the feeds from your favourite site gives you continues information without you going back the web site.
Libraries could send out feeds about new addition to the collection, events that will be happening and I’m sure there are many more ways that RSS feeds would useful for Libraries.
For my own personal use I use Google reader and have four folders with feeds coming in, from these feeds I gain a lot of knowledge on a lot of different subjects.
For the benefit of this exercise I have subscribed to Bloglines and added 10 feeds. It was not difficult to set up a Blogline account or to add the feeds; the hardest part was working out how get a URL address for my public bloglines account but persistent works and here are my RSS feeds through Bloglines here click on the RSS feed icon

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