Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket bad spelling/grammar could be considered as part of lifelong learning
so please let me know when this has occurred, but be gentle I'm only learning

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30 September 2007

WINK - ZAMZAR - FILEXT what's it all about Alfie?


I like finding and trying new things and when I heard about WINK from a colleague, I had to have a go. For anyone who has to present training class but does not have the expensive software to develop a Flash tutorial or presentation then this program may be for you.
Wink is a software program for creating tutorials and presentations, using Wink you can capture screenshots and add callouts with notes. The way it works is that it captures your mouse movements as you work through the explanation of how a certain programme works.
Therefore, what you would do if you have to explain to a class how to use for example Microsoft Word, you would capture your movements as you work through the lesson and later add callouts with notes or record your explanations. Wink has many features to help you make a quality tutorial. You can save your tutorial in different formats Macromedia Flash, standalone exe, pdf, postscript or an html file. Wink also works in others languages
To try WINK got you will be surprised at your results, I was and my creation was very basic. Best of all it is FREE

File conversations - Zamzar covers conversation for documents, image, music and video formats. I tried the conversion of a PDF (portable document format) to a word document the formatting was the same then I did the opposite with great results. If you want to share documents with others who may not have the same version of the programme you used you can change your document into a PDF or another type of file for sharing. Public Libraries may find Zamzar useful when patrons who want to print a document and the library does not have the correct program. FREE

FILEXT-a file extension source website, when you are not sure what a file extension stands for check it out here. FREE

1 comment:

Michal said...

Hi, I have a small tip. At is very large file extensions database, file formats overviews, hints and etc..