Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket bad spelling/grammar could be considered as part of lifelong learning
so please let me know when this has occurred, but be gentle I'm only learning

Who would of thought it????

The big 50, I've created 50+ posts, discovered amazing things and learned about many things, you could say I have LEARNT, INQUIRED, SEEKED, THRIVED, now for the next 50.

30 November 2007

Learning 2.1 - Thing 28: Create your own magazine cover

This exercise was a lot of fun, not wanting to put my own picture up for viewing I decided to tell a story in a few words, it's a story of Jasper the survivor, dumped in a Libray chute and rescued by a cat lover Librarian and the word is that Jasper has taken control of the home.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Jasper just loves these magazine covers! Thank you for the encouraging comments too. They really helped us make it.