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27 October 2007

Week 9 - #21 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

Podcast are the new ‘in’ they are being used to communicate information.

I have listened to quite a few over time but I will have to say I prefer the video podcasts to the audio podcasts. I do not think I would ever make one myself I think my voice is not the best for casting messages.

As part of the week 9 task we were asked to check out a couple of websites that offer podcasts, I tried them all but did not found anything interesting except that Yahoo closed its podcast directory, effective October 31st there are still plenty of places to find podcasts. Therefore, I went looking in other places.

I visited the Library of Congress and found they introduced podcasts, I added National Book Festival Authors Do Podcasts to my blogines feed (see above) and also I have add one from Orange County Library Systems (OCLS) they offer video podcasts you can subscribe to RSS feeds from both these sites. I looked at the Victorian State Library and the National Library of Australia and could not find any obvious reference to podcasts they may have them but I could not find them.

I can see a future for podcasts within libraries if anyone is brave enough to do the voice over.

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