Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket bad spelling/grammar could be considered as part of lifelong learning
so please let me know when this has occurred, but be gentle I'm only learning

Who would of thought it????

The big 50, I've created 50+ posts, discovered amazing things and learned about many things, you could say I have LEARNT, INQUIRED, SEEKED, THRIVED, now for the next 50.

22 September 2007

An observation

Nothing new but it just dawned on me; sometimes I am a bit slow on the uptake. While creating posts I have learnent that you can learn about HTML codes, this may not be new to some. During the last posting I had changed over to 'edit Html' why I can't remember and when I change some words into Italic I noticed the codes before and after these words, as I said I am a bit slow on the uptake sometimes and from now on I will be looking at the Html codes just to see if I can understand what is going on. I know that you can get this information on the internet but why search the net when its right here, its only basic I'm sure but it will do for now.

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