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14 September 2007

Week 3 - Flickr - Possibilities - Mashups - Fun


I came across a Library (in America) who uses Flickr to promote their collection and the LibraryI was very impressed with this and I thought I would have a go at doing the same thing.
My objective was to recreate what this Library had accomplished.

The first thing I had to do was to create a picture of some new books we have in our library then upload this picture to Flickr. This done I then had to work out a way to place a note as well as a link back to the catalogue for each book within the picture.

I am happy to say that with a little patience and learning (there is that word again) I have completed my objective. If you click on the picture it will take you to Flickr where you will find the picture with notes, if you click on the note it will take you to the catalogue, where, if you were a member of the library you could place the book on hold.

Some will say why bother going through this process, well its one way to promote new additions to the collection, there is no cost (good for Libraries with limited resources) involved all that is required is a link on the Library website and a Flickr account.

Not sure, about copyright issues I will leave that for another day.You could also use you Flickr account to promote activities within the Library by just creating a link on the Library website to your picture on Flickr.

Mushup = books - Flickr - Library Catalogue

At time of posting all links worked

1 comment:

Learning 2.0 administrator said...

I'm amazed at your blogging! Well done and so inspiring!