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24 September 2007

Week 6: Tagging, Folksonomies. & Technorati

Tagging, folksomonies & social bookmarking in - social bookmarking
Tags - one-word descriptors
I like this tool; I have looked at it before but never really checkout what you can do with it. I thought it was just and another way to bookmark your favourite’s websites, which I suppose it is, but you don’t tag your favourites, here you can, what I liked about this after joining was the ease in adding bookmarks and tags. You will have to add the buttons to your toolbar, making the adding of websites stream less.

The advantage of using is that you can add bookmarks wherever you are using the internet. If you are studying/researching would be an excellent assest, being able to put tags to the site you have bookmarked makes it easier to look back at what you have saved.
While I was typing this post I asked myself is there potential for this to be used in libraries I searched the net for information on libraries and and I looked at two site which I bookmarked and tagged before going back to my posting see how easy it is. If you would like to check out what I bookmarked go to my bookmarks on the tags are LibraryJournal and Delany College. Click on newblog next the the badge on the left

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